Properly Flossing Your Teeth Do You Know How?

Many people do not understand the importance of flossing their teeth. Your teeth should be flossed on a daily basis to remove any type of excess food particles that may be stuck. Leaving the food in-between your teeth will result in tooth decay and bacteria forming. Knowing how to properly floss your teeth will help ensure that you are doing everything you can to improve the overall dental health of your mouth, gums, and teeth.

Steps for Flossing Your Teeth

1. You will want to begin by tearing off enough floss. The recommended amount is about 18 inches as this will give you enough to work with. Wrap the floss around your each of your middle fingers to create a tight 1 to 2 inch width of floss.

2. Slide the floss between your teeth using a back and forth motion. Make sure you do not force the floss too hard as this may cause the floss to break.

3. You want to make sure that you angle the floss in a “c” shape to hug your teeth. Slide the floss up and down from the beginning of the tooth to the gum line. Face the floss in the other direction and repeat again.

4. Continue the process and floss between all of your teeth making sure to get both sides of each tooth. Every time you move to a new tooth, re-wrap the floss on your fingers to get a clean piece each time.

5. After you are done flossing your teeth, brush them to remove any particles of food or bacteria left over. You should also rinse your mouth out thoroughly with mouthwash or water.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Remembering to brush and floss your teeth twice a day will help keep them in tip top shape. Combine a good oral routine with oral care and you will love the way your teeth look and feel.

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