Types of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is used to help patients feel better and relieve them of a traumatic experience at a dental office. If you are afraid of going to the dentist and have neglected getting your teeth checked out because of it, you may benefit from sedation dentistry. Not every dentist offers sedation dentistry but many do. If you are considering the option, speak to your dentists in Broomfield CO to learn more about whether or not it is the right choice for you.

Degrees of Sedation

Minimal sedation is used when a person only needs a little bit of help getting through their dental appointment. Patients are conscious and can speak to the dentist and obey verbal commands.

Moderate sedation is used when patients need more than the minimum. This is a state of conscious sedation and patients are awake but are more relaxed than a minimal sedative state.

Deep sedation is when a patient is not awake and does not respond to verbal commands. The patient will be able to respond to any type of pain stimulation. Patients may need extra help breathing and the doctor will monitor the patient closely.

General anesthesia is when a patient cannot be disturbed even when pain occurs. The patient cannot typically breathe on their own and will require assistance.

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is not a form of sedation and is used in most dental treatments. This is when a numbing agent is given to the patient to completely numb the area being worked on.

Is it Safe for Me?

Sedation dentistry is safe when it is performed by a licensed and trained individual. There are minimal side effects and no long-term lasting side effects. Your dentist will keep a close eye on you and monitor your vital signs throughout the whole procedure.

Sedation dentistry may be right if you are scared to go to the dentist and avoid doing so because of a traumatic experience.

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