What You Can Do About a Toothache

I often suffer from toothaches. The pain begins abruptly, and it can vary from a slight tingle to a harsh pulsating pain, which can be so bad that it keeps me up at night. The area of my jaw close to the infected tooth may also be sore to the touch. Toothaches can come and go without warning. Eating or drinking can make the pain even worse, especially if the food or drink is hot or cold. The last time I had a toothache, I waited for 2 days, then I visited my dentist to have it treated. The longer I left it, the more painful it got.

If a toothache is not treated, the pulp inside the tooth ultimately becomes infected. This leads to a dental abscess forming, which can cause harsh pain. Painkillers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen helped me lessen the pain and aches while I was waiting for an appointment with the dentist. A toothache happens when the inner layer of the tooth becomes inflamed. There are many other conditions that can cause pain like a toothache, however the pulp is not affected.

Treating Toothache

The type of treatment I usually receive for a toothache depends on the cause of the pain, so my dentist will inspect my mouth and may carry out an X-ray to try to determine what is happening.

If my toothache is produced by tooth decay, my dentist will clean out the decayed area and replace it with a filling.

If my toothache is produced by a broken or unbound filling, the old filling will be removed, and a new filling will be put in place. If the pulp of my tooth is infected, I may be required to have a root canal treatment. This is where my dentist takes away the infected pulp, fills the space with a paste, and then overlays the remaining tooth with a crown to seal and protect it.

If my toothache cannot be treated using these techniques or my tooth is wedged between another tooth and my jaw, my tooth may need to be removed.

Preventing Toothache

The best way to avoid getting toothaches and other dental diseases is to keep our teeth and gums as healthy and robust as possible. To do this, people should:

  • Brush their teeth two times a day using toothpaste that includes fluoride; they should remember to brush the gums and tongue also.
  • Always clean between their teeth using dental floss and if necessary, use a mouthwash.
  • Confine their intake of excessively sweet foods and drinks; they should have them as a treat occasionally and only rarely at meal times.
  • People should not smoke, as it can lead to yellowing and decay of the teeth, and make some dental problems more painful.

People should visit their Broomfield dentist twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning. Young children should also have a dental checkup every six months so that any problems can be spotted and treated quickly.

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