Healthy Teeth Are Essential To A Healthy Life

Healthy-Teeth-Are-Essential-To-A-Healthy-Life When you wake up in the morning and smile into the mirror, do you like what you see?  The rest of your body may be fit, but if dental hygiene isn’t part of your routine, an essential aspect of good health is missing. Simply put:  healthy teeth are essential to a healthy life! Regular dental care prevents decay and disease and is easier, less painful and certainly less expensive than emergency dental work required after years of dental neglect. A regular visit to a dentists in Broomfield CO is a great commitment to make to yourself and to your family.  But what can you expect on that first visit?  Here are some tips to consider and an overview of procedure that will help insure the first appointment goes smoothly.

How long is the initial dental exam?

  • An adult exam will last between an hour and 11/2 hours. A child’s visit will take 30-40 minutes.
  • Expect paperwork! Plan to arrive fifteen minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment. Bring your insurance card, prescription information and contact details of any previous dental providers.?
  • Allow yourself a comfortable  cushion of time before and after the appointment. Remember exam time doesn’t include waiting time. so bring a book, or a puzzle! Relax! You don’t want to feel rushed or frantic.
  • Ask about dental insurance coverage and out-of-pocket expenses for your exam at the time you schedule your appointment.  There are many types of insurance, so make sure your dental plan is accepted.
  • Get directions to the office and locate the site before your exam.  Eliminate any possible delays or confusion on the day of your appointment.

What will the dentist do on the first visit?

  • Before the exam, you will be introduced to the dentist. Prepare to ask questions and express any concerns when you meet the dentist.  Describe any relevant medical history the dentist should know.
  • The dentist will carefully examine your teeth and gums. After the exam, numerous ex-rays will be taken.
  • Listen carefully and take notes as your dentist reviews the results of your exam and ex-rays.
  • Understand that follow-up appointments will be needed if there are cavities or other issues that need to be addressed.
  • Clarify any remediation plan that the dentist suggests. Be sure to ask about the cost of these procedures.
  • Meet again with the receptionist to plan additional appointments that might be needed before you leave.  Teeth cleaning will not be a part of the initial exam, but an appointment with the dental hygienist can be made at this time.
  • Expect to pay for the initial exam on the day of the service.

When the appointment is completed, you can congratulate yourself!  You have made a commitment to your dental hygiene! You have also established a relationship with a professional who you can rely on for professional advice. You may choose to investigate other areas of dental care including teeth whitening and orthodontia.  And you can rest assured that if you do ever experience a dental emergency, you have a dentist to call who is knowledgeable and capable to make informed decisions.




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